The Alchemist's Eye
I just found out that I am an alchemist
Just now
A minute ago
I can turn lead into gold
And gold into stardust
How magical!
“It is all an illusion” the little dwarf said, stirring the essence of my soul with a big big wooden spoon. His movements echoing the majestic spiralling of Cosmic Creation.
“It’s an illusion” he said, with a big big smile on his face, “A wonderful reality of your human mind. Remember, life is but a stage. Enjoy it while you can!” His eyes sparkled with humour.
Floating now, caressing the stars
How peaceful
So life is but a dream
An ever flowing glowing
Golden stream
From the newly awakened alchemist:
“To make gold you need a vessel, a container
You are that container
Your body and soul a wondrous union of worlds and dimensions
You, the child of Heaven and Earth
Your whole existence eternal and infinite”
From Songs of Anu : Poetry from the Heart by Helga Sóley
Songs of Anu : Poetry from the Heart
Kindle version
This is my first poetry piece I made public. I self-published it on Amazon Kindle (you can read it with a free Amazon Reader App) in March 2015, as a present to the love of my life, Kristján. It is a compilation of some of my inspirational writings from the past few years. Here is the book's description on Amazon: Songs of Anu : Poetry from the Heart is Helga Sóley's debut work as a poet and a writer. She has allowed herself to flow with her writing, expressing both depth and emotions, philosophical topics and esoteric matters.
She communicates both her human pain and joys and her divine essence she shares with all of life. The sincerity, authenticity, the dash of adventure and the concept of oneness leaves no one untouched.
Kind Words
"I loved this little book. So much wisdom from Spirit, a delight to the soul . You come away from this book feeling loved and inpowered. Highly recommended".
"Beautifully written...touches your soul...makes you feel peaceful and calm".
"An amazing read, I highly recommend it!
"Beautifully written from heart to heart, the poems are touching, deep and soulful and full of Beauty and Magic. Helga Soley's writing is in touch with the Sacred Muse in a beautiful flow".
Songs of Anu : Poetry from the Heart
Extended version : The Grace & Gratitude Special Edition

,The Grace and Gratitude Special Edition'
Prentuð sérútgáfa
,The Grace and Gratitude Special Edition‘ er lengri útgáfa af ljóðabókinni minni Songs of Anu Poetry from the Heart.
Bókin var prentuð í takmörkuðu upplagi,
100 eintökum og er hvert eintak númerað.
Þessi útgáfa kom einungis út á ensku.
Bókin kostar 3.500 kr. og er heimsending innanlands innifalin.
Sendu mér tölvupóst á helgasoley@gmail.com, þar sem fram kemur hversu margar bækur þú vilt kaupa, nafnið þitt og heimilisfang.
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The Grace and Gratitude Special Edition
The Grace and Gratitude Special Edition is an extended edition of my poetry book Songs of Anu Poetry from the Heart. It is a limited edition, printed in only 100 numbered copies. The book is only available in English.
25 EUR pr. book ~ International shipping included.
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When I have received your order I will ship your book within 2 business days. If you rather want to order by sending me your information directly and then receive a payment link please write to: helgasoley@gmail.com.
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